Coffee Dose And Brewing Ratio
The popular ratios for espresso is 1:2 (1 gram of coffee to every 2 grams of water).
Coffee |
Extraction |
Time |
Temp |
18.5g |
37g |
30" |
92°C |
For filter is 1:17 (1 gram of coffee to every 17 grams of water).
Coffee |
15g |
30g |
60g |
Water |
250ml |
500ml |
1000ml |
There is no such thing as a "Golden" ratio, but well-balanced cups of coffee are consistently brewed around a certain ratio. This is a good place to start, if you like stronger taste, you might use a 1:14 ratio. If you like a normal taste, you might pour 1:16 or 1:17. You can slightly turning your settings to match your taste and brewing methods. For other brewing methods, check out our
Brewing Guides and Tips.